понедельник, 11 апреля 2016 г.

Survival day (11.04)

Today 11th of April. It was a first weekday in our trip and it was really hard. At school was absolutely thrilling and pleasant. School administration, teachers and students gave a lot of information about their school. So, the buildings of Netherlands and Russian schools are different in many ways. Later, we listened to different presentation from Spain students and we found out a lot of new information for us.

After school we went to Survival. It is a special program for people, who like extreme way of life. You can pass different obstacles on the playground with sticky mud and walking on tightrope above muddy water. It was really funny when we saw our friends and classmates. Some guys crawled through the pipes with dirt, others fell into water. We all was so dirty! But it bought a lot positive emotions to us. Everybody had an amazing time together and had a lot of fun.

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